Sunday, September 21, 2014

The interesting Pinterest Profile of Imageli: remarkable Visual web marketing. Boosting visual assets with images, graphics, infographics and videos
The interesting Pinterest Profile of Imageli: remarkable Visual web marketing. Boosting visual assets with images, graphics, infographics and videos
The recent shift in social media has apparently become more visually-based. How would you adopt these changing social media trends to boost your brand awareness and boost your marketing effort?

The interesting Pinterest Profile of Imageli: remarkable Visual web marketing. Boosting visual assets with images, graphics, infographics and videos

These are some of the effective visual media marketing that you can adopt. You can create more visual content that can engagement the customers in the social media networks. You can also crowd source visual content using your content Another interesting method is using visual media to showcase your story.

How would a real estate professional adopt the latest social media trend of using more visual content to get more business? As a real estate professional you are a publisher, content creator.
Content is not king, content marketing is king. Having an integrated strategy the maximizes online and offline advertising is essential.

The number one requested feature of listings is media. Considering the overwhelming migration of the real estate buyer to the internet, the curb appeal of yesterday is the web appeal of today. In today's market it is vital to produce high impact media, syndicate the content, utilize multiple channels and access analytics to evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign. It is necessary to have a visual marketing strategy. The visual social media use Pinterest, Instagram and other social platforms to tell your story.

The interesting Pinterest Profile of Imageli: remarkable Visual web marketing. Boosting visual assets with images, graphics, infographics and videos

The exciting visual social media platforms are coming in a big way that can transform all your web marketing. Clearly the web 2.0 social platforms of Tumblr, Flickr, Instagram, Infographics, Pinterest, YouTube, Vine, and SlideShare will definitely bring a revolution in internet Marketing.

It is interesting to note that 90 % of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and images are processed 60,000 times faster in the brain than text. It's no wonder that we humans have used social media to winnow down our communication methods from 1,000-word blogs, to 140-character Tweets, and now to wordless images. Visual really rule in this digital age.

And now savvy marketers and PR professionals will show, not tell, their stories on social media and harvest higher levels of engagement as a result. More engagement mead more conversions and sales!

Why visual is getting the rage now?

The 3 main reasons are described here. The human brain processes visuals 60,000 X faster than text. The Web posts with visuals drive up 180 % more engagement than those without.
And finally it is not startle that viewers spend at least 100 % more time on web pages with videos.

Imageli expertice is using Visual Web Marketing to grow your business & strengthen your brand by leveraging the power of photos, videos, inforgraphics, presentations & other rich media.

This article shows how Imageli is applying the right Visual Web Marketing to build the foundation for Imageli new Facebook Page to build the brand of Imageli: Visual Web Marketing.

The web has become very visual; there are proliferation of enriched content with lots of images, pictures, inforgraphics and videos.

The social media like Pinterest and Instagram are very visual in orientation. Users in the social media like Facebook, and even Twitter now use lots of visual elements to get engagement and interaction with one another.

The world is getting very visual.

There's a secret that successful companies know about social media: A strong visual brand helps you connect with your community and effectively convey your brand's personality. In short, it makes you memorable. Like Twizzlers. Twizzlers social profile elements match their product branding.

Content calendars, brand personalities and tone-of-voice guides have become all the rage in social media circles, but visual social branding-- the way your content looks-- is still in its infancy.

Good branding doesn't have to be complicated. In this article I talk about the essential aspects of visual branding, and luckily, each one is easy to create and implement! Let's dive in.

Take the time to create templates for quotes, announcements, sale products, promotions or competitions. They'll make it easy for you and your team to quickly create and post timely content. And they'll also make it easier for your social media fans to recognize your brand and encourage further engagement.

The web has progressively developed from the basic static text-based format to the user interactive Web 2.0. Now the next exciting stage of visual has began. The web has become very visual; there are proliferation of enriched content with lots of images, pictures, inforgraphics and videos. The social media like Pinterest and Instagram are very visual in orientation. Users in the social media like Facebook, and even Twitter now use lots of visual elements to get engagement and interaction with one another. The world is getting very visual.

The web is becoming visual. Social media is visual. You need a visual marketing strategy for your business to break through the clutter online and connect with your customers. Visual Social Media Marketing will give you the knowledge, strategies, tactics and tools to create a strong visual presence for your brand online. All web marketers would need to learn how to harness the power of Images, Instagram, Infographics and Pinterest to grow your business online.

The main key to social media is essentially building a solid relationship with your targeted audience. Raise that relationship by promoting familiarity through branding.

When you use colors, fonts and filters consistently, your fans and followers come to recognize your brand quickly and your content stands out in their social feeds.

Set aside some time to review your company's online image. If you take away your company's name, will your fans still know it was you posting? If not, look at ways you can implement the ideas in this article.

What do you think? Have you tried any of these techniques on your social media pages? Do you have additional tips?

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