Monday, June 9, 2014

The Lies Of Get Taller Systems
The Lies Of Get Taller Systems
I'm sure you've seen those advertisements that claim to make you taller magically even if you're 50 years old and hunchbacked. Everybody knows that after puberty, after your bones are totally hardened, you are doomed to your height forevermore.

Is this really true? Are all those how to grow taller systems complete BS and just preying on the desperately short? Is there no way for me to grow taller? The reality is, one does not simply grow taller. Short of limb lengthening surgery, it is not possible to grow your bones after the growth plates have closed. Nevertheless, there is room for increasing height and it does not involve breaking your shin bones and extending it.

The facts about growing taller.

When you're a wee infant, much of your bones are that squishy soft flexible substance called cartilage. As you age, gradually the cartilage solidifies into solid bone. During puberty, growth plates at the end of the bones undergo a growth spurt activated by your growth hormones.

This is what causes you to shoot up during puberty. After puberty the cartilage growth plates totally fuse into bone and short of surgery, nothing will make them grow once again. Any program that claims to get you taller by growing your bones is a fraud.

So is there no hope?

You're not in Dante's inferno, you don't need to abandon all hope just yet. There is one proven way to increase height and it does not involve growth hormones, hypnotism, or surgery. It is to increase the length of your spine.

The Burmese women of the Paduang tribe place brass rings around their necks to lengthen them. It is reported that some have increased it 15 to 20 inches! How is this possible?

Your spinal column consists of 33 individual vertebrae with inter-vertebrae fibro-cartilage between each disk. This serves as a cushion and shock absorbers that safeguard our spinal column. This cartilage is capable of growth and growth even into old age.

How do you grow these cartilage ?

1) Stretching

Stretching and exercise enables the free passage of blood and fluids through the disks, improving growth. It also decompresses the cartilage so that it expands to its full potential.

2) Proper sleep

Gravity compresses and lessens the space between your vertebrae and over time your spinal column will take form in this lessened state, stopping you from reaching your maximum height potential. Proper sleep counteracts this compression effects of gravity and helps to straighten out the curvature of the spine that gravity has so cruelly warped.

Helping your spine to get longer and healthier not only gets you taller, but it significantly improves posture. Good posture will make you look more confident and consequently, taller.

So what's the verdict on these grow taller systems?

They work! But not in the degree they're advertising. You will not grow 6 inches in 4 weeks. You also won't get your legs longer or increase growth hormones that will miraculously get you to grow when you're 55 years old. What will occur is if you follow the exercise program, you will lengthen your spine 1/2" to 2". And if you keep up the exercises, some or all of these gains might become permanent.

If you're short, a 1/2" to 2" is a miracle and will do wonders for your self image and confidence. Couple this with some height increasing shoes, and you can become three, four, even five inches taller! Important thing though is to first get a good program and stick with it.

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